Monday, October 11, 2010

A Month Later...

Has it really been a month?!?


Brace yourselves there are multiple reasons.

1) The move went well. We are settling in. The remodeling is about halfway done. We still have walls that need a fresh coat of paint. But the basement is almost complete.

I can not wait to I host a writing group get-together in my new office.

2) On September 25th my family took a massive blow. While Mark was in New Jersey preparing for the Post-Mortem movie premier I recieved a horrific phone call from his sister. My mother-in-law passed away.

Mark hurried home. Sunday we drove to Minnesota from Ohio. That fifteen hour drive was the beginning of a very long week.

The memorial and funeral were lovely. It rained in the Twin Cities during the service. Which was appropriate; she loved rain.

After returning home a week later I felt numb and discombobulated. Our lives were shattered by two deaths this year alone. This was the fourth funeral I've been to in eighteen months. The fifth funeral for my two eldest daughters.

Truthfully, I still feel a bit off. But enduring what the universe throws at us is a part of life. People can stop dieing around me at any time. I met my quota for the next five years.

3) To recharge my life I normally picked out a Theme Song of the Week and get back to writing. But I'm torn. So I opened a contest on Facebook. Four lucky people will win a sneak peak of 'BIRTH OF A VIXEN' by submitting their Theme Song. I will post their Theme Song here and on Facebook.

In fact, there is only ONE spot left. If you want in on the contest simply leave a comment. I figured this would be a good way for us to get to know one another and for you to get a chance to read an excerpt from my first novel.

Until next time (I promise it will not be nearly as long of a wait)take care of yourselves. Fluff up the penguin next to you and give 'em a little hug.

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