Monday, June 20, 2016

Dream Come True

What keeps a person striving for their dreams? Hope? Faith? Belief? Utter determination to stick it to those that did them wrong? Money? All of the above.

My eyes burn. Water slips from the corners. I removed my glasses a while ago because I got tired of taking them off, wiping away the tears, and repeating the cycle. Yet I stay awake. Slaving toward my word count. I must keep going for you, for a promise I made to myself years ago.

There is tragedy everywhere. But if you look, really look; you can see the up tick of change. The winds are changing. A hope is in the air. People are looking at the greater picture by looking inward.

There will always be those that fight against the current. They fear it. They will say you need to be ready to defend yourself. My question to them is: If everyone put aside their fears, opened their minds to love, to hope, and embraced their dreams, what is there to defend against?

My dream is to share my words. I ask, what is your dream? What keeps you up late at night when the candlelight is fading? 


  1. Ha, The first line of this post is exactly the first line of a poem I wrote back in 2004. I like your writing style. What keeps me up late at night (4:00-5:00 am) is crafting, internet, blogging, and the feeling that I haven't accomplished enough today.

    1. The collective unconscious strikes again. Thank you. It is great that you have so many endeavors. That may be why you feel like you don't feel like you accomplish enough. You haven't found that one true passion that sparks your soul and makes you complete. I'm no career counselor. I paint, write all sorts of stuff, craft, but my main calling is writing my novels. Hammering out a thousand or two thousand words a day makes me feel like a giant weight has lifted from my chest. I sleep better. I laugh more. I'm me. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


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