Monday, January 5, 2015

2015: A Year of Firsts

Last year was about extremes. It was full of extreme joy and pain, huge choices and loses. This year I have decided to reshape my world by trying new, extraordinary things. For instance this entire post was hammered out on my phone. Might not seem like much technology and me don't do too well together. This was HUGE.

Also, I will be turning the spotlight on every body else. Tons have helped me along the way, many still do. It's about time I return the favor. Once a week I will either write a review, post participating author promos and interviews.

Sure there are a lot of people doing this, but not nearly enough. Dang it!

Now as much as I want to help be forewarned I am a slow reader. I don't look like I have an issue but my right eye is lazy. To quote an old opthamologist "You're right eye is a flat tire". But I will do my best.

You can contact me here, twitter @ColleenTews or We can exchange private emails from there. AND in case you're wondering this is not a free service. All it costs is for you to pay it forward. Don't hog the love. Earn some karma points and don't hog the love.

I believe in honesty. I believe there is no such thing as bad press. I believe that what may sound like a good or bad review to one person might be a delight to another.

More firsts to come. I'll keep you updated as they come up, especially now that I conquered my phone. ;-)


Thank you for your time and opinion. Please sign up for my email list by writing to with "Add Me in the Subject Line to stay informed. As an added bonus, leading up to the release of Virus Within you will receive a free story every month revolving around the characters in the Shadow Faith Universe.
Thank you, again. Hope you have an amazing day.